About Our Classes
Our classes program provides a gateway into the world of dance connecting young people and communities to artistic practice and engaging them in a range of inspirational and high-quality participatory activities nationally and internationally.
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What kind of traveler are you?
Test your knowledge and find out how good you know geography and what kind of traveler you are. Can you answer these geography questions?
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What is the capital city of Australia?
Melbourne isn't the capital of Australia.
Canberra is the capital of Australia.
Sydney isn't the capital of Australia.
Wellington isn't the capital of Australia.
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What city does not exist in Canada?
There is Vancouver in Canada.
There is Ottawa in Canada.
There is no Anchorage in Canada.
There is Winnipeg in Canada.
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In which countries there is a city called Moscow?
There is no city called Moscow in Finland.
There is city called Moscow in USA.
There is city called Moscow in India.
There is city called Moscow in Russia.
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What country does not exist in Scandinavia?
There is Norway in Scandinavia.
There is Finland in Scandinavia.
There is no Netherlands in Scandinavia.
There is Island in Scandinavia.
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Which island does no apply to Italy?
Capri does apply to Italy.
Sicilia does apply to Italy.
Sardinia does apply to Italy.
Corsica does not apply to Italy.
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You are homebody
Probably you are don't like to travel or just don't know geography very well
You are beginner traveler
Probably you are like to travel and know geography well enough
You are real traveler
You are like to travel and know geography well